Sunday 14 August 2016


Resultado de imagen de reading

A) THREE OPTION MULTIPLE CHOICE  is the first exercise you will find in the part of READING in the exam. There will be 5 short messages in different forms, for example, advertisements or signs. You will have to choose between 3 options the one that expresses the main idea in the message.

B) MATCHING is the second exercise you will find in the READING. You will have to read all the texts and decide which one is the correct one.

Resultado de imagen de reading matching b1

C) TRUE / FALSE is the third part of the exam which will have 10 questions. 

Resultado de imagen de reading true false b1

D) FOUR OPTION MULTIPLE CHOICE is the 4th exercise you will find in the READING. You will have to read a text and the questions and choose the correct answer.

Resultado de imagen de reading four option multiple choice b1

E) MULTIPLE CHOICE CLOZE is the 5th exercise you will find in the READING. You will have to read a text and choose the correct word for each space.

Resultado de imagen de reading  multiple choice cloze b1

Here you have more links to practice this part of B1 examination:

Resultado de imagen de go go go

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