Promoting reading among our students is one of the most important goals we observe when starting a new school year.
At the beginning of the 2nd term, my colleague Alicia Martín, Language and Literature teacher, shared with me an idea she was carrying out with some of her groups.
I had then no doubt that I was going to borrow it and put it into my groups of English Language.
What we did was to take all the English novels and short stories we had in the school library according to my students level, and we created our READING CORNER.
First, students choose the book they want to read and at the beginning of every lesson, they spend the first 15 minutes reading in silence.
In order to keep a record about their reading, they have to complete a chart with all book details (author, title, publisher, year of publication and ISBN). They also indicate the number of pages they read everyday.
When we started the activity, I wasn't sure about it, but now I can say that it has been a great idea. It's not a question of wasting time in classroom, it's just the opposite.
Now, when I get the classroom everyday, I find my students in silence, reading, and ready to start the lesson!!!!!
My students have already read several books and they are even asking me for higher level ones. They have definitely surprised me!!!
As a "kind of evaluation", I'll ask them to prepare some short comments on each book they have read. It will add positive marks to their final evaluation.
Finally, it seems that this idea has helped me promote
Image taken from
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